A time travel
I think I love the time travel as a scientific possibility, as an anthropology student, I would love to see with my own eyes how the people lived in past ages. The first thing I would do is to travel to the middle age, to see the castles and battles an meet the famous knights and kings personally. But I don't think I'm staying ther for much time, thats because of the ambiental dangers, like the black death, the inquisition, constant wars and the famine of the poor people. That would be only a short time travel to record some information and go back to the present like a famous archaeologist. The only problem I have in this plan, is that probably I'll not want to go back to the present once in the past, because of the horrible things of our time, like capitalism, taxes, the borred life of a social individual. As a conclusion, I think that perhaves I'm just like Don Quixote de La Mancha. A man that borned in the wrong time, and things like the pains and pleasures of this ...